In-house Salesforce

We founded the academy, believing that getting a developer with the right fit is nearly impossible. Therefore we decided to create the academy so we can work closely with you to create the developer with the right fit for your company.

Academy Process

Find and certify your Salesforce employee

Easily source and work with your Salesforce team

Define needs

We start with a conversation about what needs your company has to solve and use that as the starting ground for the next steps

Candidate search

We use the needs, that were previously defined and use that to narrow down the candidates and select the one that is suited to move forward

Screening and test

As the final group of candidates narrow we do a more in-depth screening and final aptitude test

Final selection

Depending on how many roles you need to fill, then we make the final selection together with you

Introduction to the team

Your new employee will be introduced to the rest of your team and set their work environment, such as mail, slack and development tools

Academy start

Now the real work starts as your new employee starts working on your project and starts work on the certification process

What are the benefits?

You get the developer who has the skills and understanding of the Salesforce universe that you need to realize the potential of your business. A certifiable developer gives you the confidence and ability to create the right Salesforce solution for your company. As a teammate, you have someone to spare with on technical issues.

About us

We’re a distributed team

We have also embraced the remote work paradigm