Our Scout program to earn revenue

The Tikforce Scout Program (SCP) is geared towards individuals in active contact with clients that potentially augment their salesforce team to help them reach their business goals.

The SCP provides the scout an opportunity to earn revenue by facilitating warm leads to Tikforce.

SCP Process

What does it take to be a Scout?

It means that you are connecting people with needs, and scouting your network for options.

Engage with your network

Identify a need with a person in your network and suggest to discuss how the needs can be met. Gauge interest in an introduction meeting between the potential client and Tikforce.

Aid Tikforce in closing the deal

Assist Tikforce in acquiring the specific needs of the client and the pains they need solved, to ensure Tikforce delivers the perfect candidates for the tasks.

You are paid

That is all. Once the client has paid the fee, the search process begins and you get compensated. Maintain client relations for future candidate opportunities.

Possibilities for you as a Scout

As a professional, your role as a scout involves assisting individuals and companies facing challenges by providing solutions and guiding them forward. Here’s what’s expected:

✔️ Network and establish introductions to new clients
✔️ Add leads/clients to the Tikforce CRM

✔️ Close or assist in the sale (depending on the engagement)
✔️ Available for training (if required and agreed upon)
✔️ Maintain a close relationship with the client

Responsibilities of Tikforce

Our main focus will be to support you and the client in finding a solution that works. We will work with you on the following areas:

✔️ Close the sale (depending on the engagement)
✔️ Train you in Tikforce’s product portfolio
✔️ Support the full sale cycle
✔️ Make the contract

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i only scout Salesforce?

Tikforce is specialized in Salesforce. Due to the huge demand in Salesforce developers, and the lack of available developers, Tikforce’s ability to deliver certified developers helps fill a hole in the current market. We therefore recommend you put most of your energy into Salesforce networking.

That said, Tikforce is part of Tikweb, which delivers Fullstack, Backend, Frontend Developers – Scrum Masters – UI, UX, CX Designers etc. in all the major web and app tech stacks. So if you come across good cases with needs outside the Salesforce environment, you should off course forward these cases too, and you will have the same SCP benefits and payment as for Salesforce developer cases.

Do i really not need to do anything else?

No. Basically, you are doing the same networking, you are probably already doing now, while keeping an eye out for Salesforce options, where Tikforce can help solve a need.

Thereby you are providing value to your existing network, by helping them connect with Tikforce. Depending on the needs and the company size and your desire, you might be a part of more meetings than the initial meeting, if the case needs it.

About us

We’re a distributed team

We have also embraced the remote work paradigm